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Test your knowledge about landslides! Learn about their causes, effects, and prevention in this interactive quiz.

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Plan your escape, prepare for the quake, and conquer the challenge in Quake Escape!

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Learn about eruptions, lava types, and volcanic safety.

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Identify various flood types and learn about their causes and impacts.

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Unscramble typhoon-related words in this exciting game! Perfect for weather buffs and word game lovers!

Mount Pinatubo Eruption (1991)

The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 was one of the largest volcanic eruptions of the 20th century. It caused global temperatures to drop by about 0.5°C due to the massive amount of sulfur dioxide.

Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI)

It is a scale that measures the explosiveness of volcanic eruptions. The VEI ranges from 0 to 8, with each increment representing a tenfold increase in explosive power.

Volcanic Eruption

A volcanic eruption occurs when magma (molten rock) from beneath the Earth's crust is expelled through a volcano's vent, accompanied by gases, ash, and other volcanic materials.

Pyroclastic Flow

A pyroclastic flow is a fast-moving current of hot gas, ash, and volcanic rock that flows down the slopes of a volcano during an explosive eruption. It can reach speeds of over 100 km/h (62 mph) and temperatures of up to 1,000°C.


A lahar is a destructive volcanic mudflow composed of a mixture of volcanic debris and water.


Lava is molten rock that emerges from a volcano or fissure on the Earth's surface.


Magma is molten rock located beneath the Earth's surface. It consists of liquid rock, crystals, and dissolved gases

Duck, Cover, and Hold

It is a safety protocol commonly taught during earthquakes. It can an help minimize the risk of injury during an earthquake by providing protection from falling objects

Mayon Volcano

It is renowned for its near-perfect cone shape, making it a popular subject of photography and tourism. Mayon is one of the most active volcanoes in the Philippines, having erupted over 50 times in the past 400 years.


It monitors active and potentially active volcanoes across the Philippines, including seismic activity, ground deformation, gas emissions, and other signs of volcanic unrest.



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